Jim Tamm is a former judge and an expert in building collaborative workplace environments, with 40 years of experience in the field of alliance building and conflict resolution. As a Senior Administrative Law Judge for the State of California for 25 years, Jim mediated more than 1,000 employment disputes.
His legal decisions have impacted national labor policy in the US, and he has authored training materials that have been published in fourteen languages. The California Senate, the California Assembly and the California Public Employment Relations Board have all honored Jim for his work building more collaborative employment environments.
His most recent book, Radical Collaboration (co-authored with Ron Luyet) was on Amazon’s top seller lists for workplace, organizational psychology, collaboration and negotiations books for most of the past nine years. He is a former law professor and is currently on the faculty of the International Management Program of the Stockholm School of Economics, the Management Education Program at NASA, and the Leadership Academy of the University of California, Santa Cruz, and the Wallenberg Institute in Sweden.
Jim has a diverse client base of international organizations ranging from the United Nations, NASA, Toyota and Boeing, the US Army and Navy, to universities, financial institutions, pharmaceuticals and toy companies.